Just some crazy thoughts or mad happenings of the day or just an account of my wonderfully boring days..!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
An Afternoon Quite Unlike Others
Monday, June 20, 2011
My Class ECE 2007-2011, VAST
I don’t know how to start this
But, here, my concerns, I dismiss;
For with you guys I spent four years,
And here we are as engineers!
Aiswarya, you’d find with raised eyebrows
With the long-haired beauty, Drisya, by her side;
One without the other, was hardly a sight,
And together they made the perfect pair.
Seated in front of them was lovely Mridula,
Along with her our rep you’d see,
Arathi, with her jittering charm,
And relentless faithfulness to her trade;
This brings me to our dear old Jijesh
Our humble class rep with quirky wits,
Whose immense efforts paid off,
To result in a wondrous tour!
T’was that tour that strengthened bonds
And shone spotlights on many a trends.
The card player, Ginu, at the forefront
Battled his way through many a barrier!
It would be wrong of me to delay
The mention of the Gossip Central
Deepthy being at its core
With her art of retelling stories!
Nithya followed none too back
With animated expressions of her own;
Purnima joined to fit in perfectly
With Seethal Maria right at her side;
Harsha chipped in duly to fulfil her part
The (certain) teacher’s pet, nonetheless!
Ais, Driz and Aaru joined in the titters
And so you’ve met the Gossip Girls!
Moving on, we come to dedicated pupils,
You’d meet Ajith, the walking Wiki,
Shyam, the persistent student,
Libin, the knowledge thirsty scholar,
And Sudha, the punctual perfectionist;
These are but to name a few!
I’m not quite sure where (Deepak) Prathap would fit,
But (Deepak) V.S. was a peculiar pick.
Tit for tat he bonded with K. R.
And Divya & Simi would fall in step.
Delna is a special interest
And with grace her face would glow;
Simple and set in her ways she was
But caught on as quick as a flash.
I now remember our dearest Beebija
Who bid farewell quite too soon;
The “Oppana” for Arts was her masterpiece
That won laurels for the Department.
Arun still lives in our memories
His apt remarks and positive aura
Filled every corner and space of our being
With the freshness of blooming flowers;
My days at the hostel are pretty faded
Although you’ve given me loads to cherish.
Tania, my roomie, we were quite compatible
Aysha and Remya, quite inseparable!
Asha dearest shared her room with them.
Jing-jang Anjing and crazy Rejani
Shared another room together;
Calm composed Sneha camped in yet another.
There are a few name doubles
Anand K.V and Sagar (xgr);
The two are as different as could be,
One tall and charismatic, the other short and artistic.
Aswathy M.A and Aswathy Ajit follow them
Just as before, have their distinctions.
One sweet and naive,
The other sweet and spicy;
We now come to the Deepak duos, Pratap and V.S.
I have no words to allure their persona
A little like them we have the Nithin pair,
One the thinker, the other a performer;
Sarath P.K and Narayan comes next
One plain while the other complex!
And at last we have the Vysak square
One boisterous, the other artistic!
Like pieces of a puzzle set
Are these next four
Deepthy, Seira, Harsha & Shabana-
A gossiper, a superstar, a nerd and a bride!
Another set of bold folks follow
Each with their own style
Amrutha, Manju, Sreeja and Hitha
With Achu, Ammu and Anisha;
A trio that travels together
Whom I’ve had the chance to be with;
Vinny, Aseela and Smruthy
Are truly rare people to mix with.
An audacious bunch now comes along
Prasob, Kiran, Nitheesh and Ragesh.
Along with them sometimes you’d find,
Our young scholar, LibinKumar.
A trait to admire and one so rare
Rivin acquires and carries it with pride.
No matter what the sticky situation
He always comes out in a refined manner.
Sonu is one you cannot miss
Friendly, helpful and a bag full of surprise;
Ajeesh comes off as a silent person
Dig a little deeper, and you’ll find the fun.
Here now I cite two specific people,
Who requires mention 'cause of their guest appearance;
Nirmal and Likhanov were my peers
For oh-so-many days I can count on my fingers!
There is this corner in my class
In the far left side of the room
Its occupants are an eccentric lot
Ones you cannot forget even by a long shot.
I start with Mido, the fashion guru
Friends say, he would've been a model, if it were for the height.
His partner in crime, Lithin K.U
My lab batch mate from 1st year that too!
Don, I’d say, is quite the Casanova
I daresay you all agree with me.
Dingu, my brother, you’d know him as Divish
A childlike dear of the block;
Standing tall, you’d see him there
With a lost expression defining his face
The bearer of this portrait is Rahul
And mostly, we’d have silly arguments.
Another tall figure with dashing looks
And might I add- a unique name
Is Datto Ram T.R., the sculptured prince
Whose charisma fades at the slightest movement!
A silent and strong character resides
In Sarath P. Kumar, or, to me, he's Cakes.
He spreads cheer, helps around and yet remains mysterious
With a window wedged slightly into the unknown;
And now I introduce an integral person
Who may not always be at this corner
Yet his guise is quite alluring
This is Vishnu, the quintessential entertainer.
The last few I saved for they are my closest
I give you Paru, my first ever bench mate.
Like a lottery I attained their company
Rajitha, Meghana and Anjali,
Time flew when I was with you.
Parvathy, in many ways we're both alike and yet so different,
Meghana, cutie pie, my sole confidant during labs,
Rajitha, who always found that perfect balance,
Between friends and fun and studies.
And last but not the least, let's not forget
Dearest Anjali, with her trade mark smile
And the largest ever accessory collection I’ve seen.
Cheers to you all, my classmates
Without whom my college life would've been a void.
My only desire for years from now
Is that we all bond with the same love.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wondering Ahead...

I long to see
How we'll turn out to be?
Years from now,
Wedding bells and vows-
Will we remember each other?
And those days,
When foes turned friends,
And friends, lovers!
No matter how much time flies by,
I wish to keep you near by.
And the fond memories we've shared
Like a pocket mirror of joy,
Reflecting the happiness in me.