Well, it's a beautiful morning..I can hear the birds twitter, soft music in the air and the warmth of the summer sun on my back...yeah, yeah..people would think I'm in Hawaii basking away on a beach with a laptop. Well, it's a nice feeling...
Yesterday was the finals of some football tournament..Real Madrid Vs. Barcelona...Real Madrid won!!
YAAY for them...My friends were elated by this, though one of them says its just a "fairy-tale come back for Real Madrid" and the other supported. It was nice to see them so happy.
I could actually feel them jumping up and down with joy. It was one of those rare moments when you can see the state of elatedness with intense depth.What they wouldn't give to be there at the celebrations in Madrid..meet their superheroes who won some heaven knows fairy tale title!! lol..True happiness spreads the joy in the hearts of others as well... It's like the innocence small children. God Bless Them and give them more moments like this...
2 more days and Aparna's off to India...I'll miss you girl. It was wonderful knowing you, being your friend, sharing all our moments...it was amazing..the four of us were the pieces of puzzle that fit perfectly...and the same i say about our class...the last 2 years were awesomacious. Well I guess it's balance in nature..there's day & night, easy & difficult, life & death and so i guess we meet and we part..so that there's the equilibrium maintained...
Wish I could fast forward to few years later...when I'm done with my studies..managing my own life..meeting y'all again..new friends, old friends...the Reunion!!!That would be awesome...
With that beautiful thought, I'll end this post...lol..Cheers y'all..Let your eyes always twinkle with laughter and mishcief!!!